In Caring through Waters, we slow down the pace of knowing in the pursuit of the not yet known. By mobilizing different ways of knowing, we ask what modes of coexistence can be amplified by the transformative potential of water. In doing so, we attend to the thick time of liquid relations — present, future, and past —, and shape new spaces of more-than-human refugium in Quinta da Bonjóia.

By attuning to the myriad of Bonjóia’s oral histories, we will forge local alliances to re-animate and redistribute (miraculous) water bodies. We will inhabit and craft infrastructures of water circulation, as a means to experiment with sustaining practices of care. Tools of multispecies recuperation will be collectively shaped and mapped. As an open-ended experiment, the intervention will culminate in a sensorial inquiry into the different temporalities of water choreographies.


Porto Design Biennale 2021


Alastair Fuad-Luke 


19 – 20 June 2021

@ Renato Cruz Santos
@ Renato Cruz Santos
@ Renato Cruz Santos